Exhibition walks
Walks and Stories
For the Walks and Stories the art mediators sobat-sobat accompany the visitors on tours through the exhibitions. Together they explore and experience spaces, stories, and practices of lumbung. Friendship and narratives are the focus here.
- BOOTSVERLEIH AHOI: On the way from Bootsverleih Ahoi to Hallenbad Ost
- DOCUMENTA HALLE: On the way from Friedrichsplatz via the documenta Halle to Karlsaue
- FRIDERICANUM: On the way from Friedrichsplatz to the Fridericianum
- GRIMMWELT KASSEL: On the way from Grimmwelt Kassel via the Museum for Sepulchral Culture to Karlsaue
- HAFENSTRASSE 76: Through Hafenstraße 76
- HÜBNER AREAL: On the way from Hübner areal to Sandershaus/Haferkakaofabrik
- RURUHAUS: On the way from ruruHaus via Friedrichsplatz to the Museum of Natural History Ottoneum
- WH22: On the way from WH22 via Trafohaus to ruruHaus
- RURUHAUS TALK: Sitting: Talk in ruruHaus
- EARLY & LATE: On the way from Friedrichsplatz to documenta fifteen’s outside locations
- WITH SMALL KIDS: On the way from Friedrichsplatz to the Fridericianum
- ONLINE WALKS AND STORIES: Live digital tours of documenta fifteen in three formats: Let’s lumbung!, Art, Food & Agriculture, as well as Zoom In!.
See all Walks and Stories here.
sobat-sobat is an Indonesian word meaning friends. As friends, the sobat-sobat accompany visitors and artists during the 100 days of the exhibition. They are an active and creative part of lumbung knowledge. Together with the participants, they experience encounters, build bridges, and discover new approaches. In dialogue and through the practice of storytelling, they unfold the cosmology of lumbung knowledge. Using large and small narratives, the sobat-sobat connect places, people, conditions, and experiences with each other and accompany through the exhibitions of documenta fifteen.

Walks and Stories, Drawing by Daniella Fitria Praptono, 2022
ruangrupa invited local and international collectives and artists to transform lumbung into real experiences. In dialogue with the sobat-sobat, participants get to know the invited artists and collectives and learn more about their artistic practice. The guests of documenta fifteen are invited to contribute their own resources of knowledge and experience, share them and make them available to others. With this culture of participation and involvement, the visitors enrich lumbung during the 100 days and become an active part of documenta fifteen themselves.